Dr. Anita Haggstrom and the Hemangioma Investigator Group developed the Hemangioma Severity Scale (HSS), a reliable scale to measure the severity of infantile hemangiomas. In addition, a Hemangioma Dynamic Complication Scale (HDCS) was developed to measure hemangioma changes over time. Read more about the HSS and HDCS.
Research Links
☛ ClinicalTrials.gov - searchable website for ongoing clinical trials
☛ National Institutes of Health - for parents considering clinical trials for their children
☛ PeDRAresearch.org – Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance
☛ PHACE Syndrome Registry– a website dedicated to increase educational awareness for PHACE syndrome to those affected, their families, their healthcare providers, and the general public.
Select HIG References
Frieden IJ, Püttgen KB, Drolet BA, Garzon MC, Chamlin SL, Pope E, Mancini AJ, Lauren CT, Mathes EF, Siegel DH, Gupta D, Haggstrom AN, Tollefson MM, Baselga E, Morel KD, Shah SD, Holland KE, Adams DM, Horii KA, Newell BD, Powell J, McCuaig CC, Nopper AJ, Metry DW, Maguiness S; Hemangioma Investigator Group.Frieden IJ, et al. Management of infantile hemangiomas during the COVID pandemic. Pediatr Dermatol. 2020 May;37(3):412-418.
Püttgen KB, Hansen LM, Lauren C, Stefanko N, Mathes E, Olsen GM, Tollefson MM, Adams D, Baselga E, Chamlin S, Corey K, Frascari FF, Frieden IJ, Galligan ER, Gupta D, Haggstrom A, Horii K, Hornik CP, Klajn J, Liberman L, Mancini A, Mannschreck D, McGinness A, McCuaig C, Newell B, Nguyen H, Nopper A, Oyesanya T, Powell J, Reynolds M, Rios M, Siegel DH, Ward K, Garzon MC, Frommelt P, Drolet BA. Püttgen KB, et al. Limited Utility of Repeated Vital Sign Monitoring During Initiation of Oral Propranolol for Complicated Infantile Hemangioma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020 Apr 11:S0190-9622(20)30553-3.
Olsen GM, Hansen LM, Stefanko NS, Mathes E, Puttgen KB, Tollefson MM, Lauren C, Mancini AJ, McCuaig CC, Frieden IJ, Adams D, Baselga E, Chamlin S, Gupta D, Frommelt P, Garzon MC, Horii K, Klajn J, Maheshwari M, Newell B, Nguyen HL, Nopper A, Powell J, Siegel DH, Drolet BA.Olsen GM, et al. Evaluating the Safety of Oral Propranolol Therapy in Patients With PHACE Syndrome. JAMA Dermatol. 2020 Feb 1;156(2):186-190.
Püttgen K, Lucky A, Adams D, Pope E, McCuaig C, Powell J, Feigenbaum D, Savva Y, Baselga E, Holland K, Drolet B, Siegel D, Morel KD, Garzon MC, Mathes E, Lauren C, Nopper A, Horii K, Newell B, Song W, Frieden I; Hemangioma Investigator Group. Püttgen K, et al. Topical Timolol Maleate Treatment of Infantile Hemangiomas. Pediatrics. 2016 Sep;138(3):e20160355.
Shah SD, Baselga E, McCuaig C, Pope E, Coulie J, Boon LM, Garzon MC, Haggstrom AN, Adams D, Drolet BA, Newell BD, Powell J, García-Romero MT, Chute C, Roe E, Siegel DH, Grimes B, Frieden IJ.Shah SD, et al. Rebound Growth of Infantile Hemangiomas After Propranolol Therapy. Pediatrics. 2016 Apr;137(4):e20151754.
Greco MF, Frieden IJ, Drolet BA, Garzon MC, Mancini AJ, Chamlin SL, Metry D, Adams D, Lucky A, Wentzel MS, Horii KA, Baselga E, McCuaig CC, Powell J, Haggstrom A, Siegel D, Morel KD, Cordisco MR, Nopper AJ, Krol A; Hemangioma Investigator Group.Greco MF, et al. Infantile Hemangiomas in Twins: A Prospective Cohort Study. Pediatr Dermatol. 2016 Mar-Apr;33(2):178-83.